Dorothy M. Smith - Adcock

James A. Anderson

Private Baxter

Charles A. Beardshaw

Albert George Bedford

Ted Bintcliffe

Edward Blake

Herbert Clayton Bond

James Bond

John H. Bowler

Thomas W.R. Brier

John T. Brodie

Edward N. Bugler SPR - RCE

Gary Cliffe SGT RCAF

William J.A. Cobban

Clarence G. Cookson

James W. Cormier

Norman G. Cudney

John Cullen Butcher

Clifford A. Cunningham

F. William Cuthbert

Private Cuthbert

Edward J. Dausett

Morley Saxton Deller

Rex de Vries

John D. Erskine

Robert T. Erskine

Cecil Clayton Eves

Ronald E. Fisher

Ross A. Fisher

Royden Fisher

William E. Flegel

Corporal Forbes

George P. Forth

Private Foster

William Gordon Fraleigh

Nicholas Galajda

Ralph Albert Gillan

Donald Murray Glover

Kelly Ann Gooding

Donald Graham

Ernest A. Graham

Joyce S. Martin

Walter Graham

Gerald B. Green

Charles Frank Grigg

William Hamiltn Grigg

Arthur J. Gruber

Willis S. Halfday

Bernice Henebry

Donald J.L. Hill

R. Russel Hill

Harold Horner

Earle Humphrey (buried with brother Leo - army WW1)

Leo Humphrey - army WW1

A.C. (Tim) Jarmain

Charles E. Jarmain

Theresa Johnson

Andre Landry - 10 years in the navy

Glenn A. Kechnie

Robert Hugh Kinsman

Dennis Kirk

Zoltan A. Kish

Wilbert C. Kohlsmith

Glenn Albert Laughton

Leopold Charles LeBlanc

Elisha Lemon

Jasper Lipsit

Alonzo Lucas

Bawden Bud Lucas

Wesley M. MacKinnon

Morley Mann

Charles Norman Marsland

Albert Martin

Ernest Martin

Albert Richard Maslen

Rayburn A. Maslen

George C. Matthews

Firmin G. Matthys

Bruce W. McCallum

Lieutenant Norman McGregor

Charles Frederick Mead

Frank Morley

Clifford George Morris

Gordon Francis Morris

Glenna L. Murray (nee Cann)

Thomas Nefs

Lloyd Noakes Private RCR

Reovers Noble

Teddy B. Northcott

Edward Arthur Orr

Richard Parsons

Kenneth Gerald Patterson

Frederick T. Paul

Peter Procenko

William R. Reason

Dr. George F. Reid

Eddie Rhodes

Arthur Clive Robinson

George Junior Robinson

Robert A. Robinson

Private Rowse

Kenneth Rushby

John K. Sajonian

Hille Schoelier

Tjeerd Schoelier

Arthur Skee - Parkhill Sacred Heart Cemetery

Jan Sol

Reynold G. Stensrud

Josef Szela

Private Taylor

Frederick C. Theobald

Terrence Micheal Titus

John A. Tringham

Lorenzo L.G. Turner

John Vandenboom

Ronald Leon Vanden Broucke

Remi Van Hecke

Andy Varga

David P. Walker

Clarence Waters

Lloyd M. Waters

Allan Whitbourn

Gladys M. White

Harold L. White

Harold Reily Whiting

Johannes Joseph Willems

Peter Willems

Lieutenant Wilson

Private Wilton

John W. Wright




This page was last updated o10/31/2021-> .
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Diana van Gaalen.